Good morning readers,
I apologize for my extended absence. I have been struggling at work to fulfill the duties of my very intensive and high-stakes job. I have not much felt like writing. I am struggling, also, to get through the Draft 2 Revisions of my second Tantalus II novel, "Our Way Out" (formerly known as "Exit Strategy.") Much of my energy has been tapped lately.
But in that time, as always, I continue to engage with sociopolitical discourse, and I continue to be frustrated by the misconceptions and distortions in American political discourse that I encounter frequently from the mouths of well-meaning people, and I continue to ponder how to deconstruct this phenomenon and win people over to egalitarianism and anti-hierarchy.
So, I am putting together, in my head, a post about this. I will try to put out some lighter material in the meantime, maybe a short story or two. But it's coming. It will speak truth to power and make some critical distinctions that tend to be distorted in American political discourse, and to a lesser but still significant extent, globally under the neoliberal hegemony.
These might not be things you want to hear. I will be attacking the narrative tropes and semantic distortions that a lot of people in this country and elsewhere, are emotionally attached.
Too often, I hear well-meaning intellectuals unconsciously verbalize the very white supremacy they claim they are against. I hear noncritical liberals who sound just as moralizing and smug as conservatives. I hear centrists and liberals validate far-right ideology they claim to oppose. It's embedded in the authoritarian frameworks of their arguments.
I have lost all respect for Bohemianism and the "Academic Left." The Academic Left is largely liberal, not Leftist, at best "Radical Liberal" or for Social Democracy, not anti-statism or anti-capitalism. I consider them a wing of the Bourgeois State. But radical liberals and academic leftists have poisoned much of the well-meaning population against the strategies and tactics that are necessary for deconstructing the hierarchies they claim to oppose. So I will delve into this hornet's nest and try to clarify a few things for all the people who, whether they want to admit the possibility or not, have uncritically assimilated Bourgeois ideology.
It's time to tear down some idols. Let's try to have a little fun with it. It's hard work.