Saturday, February 13, 2021

P0EM (Excerpt from a work in Progress)


Ode to a Boy, and Railroad Tracks


Worshipping the abandoned

[ he makes ceremony at railroad tracks ]

And partly into sublimation

[ he understands political economy too well ]

Would sprawl, thereupon, a public work

And sing loud words there, out of tune

Imposing himself on the order and predictive

[ he is not as stupid as he acts ]

This luminous savage, this John,

Pretending amazement at this sad, old world

While planning somewhere more brave and new

[ would sing with spirits in mourning, be lured, and fall for tricks, and serve with smiles to prove

himself to power ]

He is lectured in a crisis and told what he thinks

[ he is godless but identifies with saints more than bosses ]

[ wears only black, seductive ]

He seizes his agency, he thrusts it like an elbow into the air at a challenge, tone barbed and calculated

[ he understands propaganda ]

He is well read but coarse

[ calculated ]

Does not make pretense -

He knows what he is doing

[ he understands power, too well ]

[ makes gestures at what he knows to be true, above him ]

Nothing except in context

[ the truth of things is in the greyscales ]

Walk with him on the railroad tracks

[ it’s not dangerous ]

[ the trains don’t run here anymore ]

His hand is rough.

You wonder if he keeps it that way.

You feel like you’re not alone here with him

[ but in a way that’s a comfort ]

[ You don’t want to be alone with him ]

Pays you attention, this one

And you don’t trust that

[ would sprawl in public, rudely ]

[ would sing, off-key ]

He of the trenchcoat warriorhood,

The Militant Avant-Garde

[ the scimitar, the rose, the gun and the hands that sculpt timeless trunks withstanding

forgetment ]

In desert sands, bare and wasted,

Illegible warnings in ancient tongues carved

At ancient opportunities.

[ wind is harsh here ]

So, no more of this naïve amazement

You are not a child

[ strident, untamed ]

Before any God or Gods

And neither is he a child

[ his fertile wings, his near-feminine countenance, waif-like, thin, and dusty ]

That is neither excuse for either of you

Nor chain -

No more.

[ and whispers in some dialect, he’d be better off back home, if only the trains still ran here, he’d

hop one ]

He makes you sad, this one

Don’t fall for this.

[ would sprawl, elbows lazy, reflecting on the universe as it surrounds him, his thoughts his only

reality ]

[ would have to will himself to power to corrupt and is too lazy and too stupid by his own

deceitful admission ]

This wisdom of his determined ignorance

When so much of so called common knowledge is lies

And with readiness to launch, sometimes, into

Impromptu ceremony, to keep alive

The spontaneity of spirit that transplanted his ancestry

[ theatrical, maybe, performative, definitely, but at our age that’s hardly a crime ]

Young and enthused with ideas

But this isn’t your first round

There are better outcomes than this

 [ these branched chains of possibilities ]

[ would sprawl, his truth between obscurities ]

[ and froth at opportunity ]

[ and deny it ]

These tracks mean something to him